Welcome to our 111th Season
Members have spoken and a new board is elected. Read the Commodores Letter to the Members.
- Adult Learn To Sail
Seminar Series sponsored by North Sails Detroit
- Session 5: February 10, 2024
- Session 6: March 10, 2025
- Session 7: April 14, 2025
The speaker for these sessions is our club member, Karl Kuspa.
To RSVP for these sessions click here. https://north.eventcalendarapp.com/u/49906/332593
- January Newsbouy
Dear Member,
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I’d like to wish you a 2025 filled with joy, optimism, cherished moments with loved ones, and good health. As we bid farewell to 2024, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support for the club.
P/C Kevin Webb
Novice Sailing Class
We have been sailing and having a blast on the Detroit River since 1914. And guess what? We will be doing it again in 2025! They can take down a building but, you can’t touch the Heart and Spirit. We aren’t all sailing Cat boats anymore. This year we will be offering opportunities to sail on 3 different boats, the Flying Scot daysailer, the Ultimate-20 sportboat. and the classic Crescent Sloop. Our learn to sail classes begin Thursday 4/18/2024 from 6pm until sunset. Classes will be held at the Grayhaven Mooring Facility located at the foot of Maheras-Gentry Park in Detroit.
This location offers easy access to sail on Lake St. Clair as well as the Detroit River. All teaching is a hands-on approach with a seasoned sail instructor in each boat. Primarily our goal is for you to operate a sailboat on you own. Providing a lifetime of recreation and enjoyment. The total cost of the sailing class is $400. $100 for membership in the Edison Boat Club and $300 for our sailing program. Welcome and join us on the water! Space is limited. For info and to register, email us at [email protected] or call or text 734-358-3817. Let’s have some fun!
Commodore’s Corner
Dear Members,
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I’d like to wish you a 2025 filled with joy, optimism, cherished moments with loved ones, and good health. As we bid farewell to 2024, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support for the club.
This year is the Edison Boat Club’s 111th year which is quite a milestone. 2024 was a
challenging but a good year for all of us. The Board and I are looking forward to the club activities and have begun planning the calendar of events for 2025. Most activities and the Flying Scot Sailing Classes will again be held at the Grayhaven State Marina.
Your membership renews will be going out soon. We are sending them out a month
later to get them away from your holiday festivities.
You should have received a Social Activities Survey. We would like to get more members active in the club with social events. We want to find out what you would like to do with your EBC friends. We want your ideas so we can plan more social outings. The EBC Board of Directors would like your suggestions so we can plan some outings that everyone would enjoy. Please fill out the survey so we can improve the club.
The new Board has a lot of work to do as we start our 111th year. There are already events to consider attending. If you want to learn about sailing, there are two sets of seminars that are free that you can attend. EBC member Karl Kuspa is running the North Sail – Adult Learn to Sail seminars and the DRYA is running their series of seminars. Both seminar schedules are included in this NewsBouy.
Your 2025 EBC Commodore P/C Kevin Webb